Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

At LEVO we know hormones play a crucial role in your mental wellness. We are thrilled to offer this specialty care and know that it can benefit many members of our community.

What are hormones and why do I need them?

Hormones are an essential part of the metabolic process of living. Hormones are important for the cells, organs, and metabolism. Our hormones decline through aging, menopause, disease, or trauma. When this happens, we begin an accelerated aging process. Loss of hormones is one of the major reasons for our deterioration as we get older, both physically and mentally. Hormones are beneficial at any age, but the best long-term protective benefits are achieved if hormones are replaced when you begin to lose them, usually in your 40s. Bringing hormone levels back to the level we had when we were younger may reverse many of the unfavorable effects that begin to appear as we age.

Bioidentical Hormones vs. Synthetic Hormones

Bioidentical hormone's molecular structure is identical (the same) as hormones produced by the human body. Synthetic hormone's molecular structure is similar to hormones produced by the human body. Similar DOES NOT mean the same. Synthetic forms of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are associated with increased risks.

Bioidentical hormones are metabolized through normal metabolic pathways without the harm seen with chemically different hormones that can produce harmful metabolites and other complications.

Understanding OPTIMAL vs. NORMAL Hormone Levels

Sometimes the lab values are "normal" but receptor sites are resistant which results in symptoms of hormone deficiency. Patients are often frustrated when told their labs are "normal" because they don't feel normal. Many lab values have large ranges of normal values, so optimizing patients to the upper limit of normal can be very beneficial in treating their symptoms.

Example: Vitamin D level normal range is 30-100. If you were symptomatic at a vitamin D level of 31, would you rather be optimized toward 100, or told you were "normal"?

Health and quality of life benefits with HRT

There are plenty of studies that show BHRT is the best preventive medicine there is. BHRT preserves and perpetuates optimal health. Aging is associated with a decrease in hormone levels, and we are told that this is normal and to be expected. BHRT has been proven to prevent certain cancers, rather than cause them.

BHRT has positive effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose levels, cortisol levels, bone density reducing the risk of fractures, cognition and memory, balance, decreased visceral fat, sexual health, mental health, and Alzheimer's prevention. As we age, hormone levels decline due to decreased production, and receptor site resistance.